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This entity is know to exists in different timelines so there will be different variants of their demographic information for each worlds they are currently existing, many if not all things that happens on one world does not apply to the other worlds and vice versa the other ways around.
Prosperity Dominion of Solstice
Free Market Republic of Aurelia
Wealth Alliance of Orynthia
The Magnate Republics is a powerful faction of the Takanii species, who is engaging in a fierce rebellion against the tyranny of the Hegemonic Imperial. Their aim is to defeat the nasty regime and bring peace and harmony to their citizens once again. However, their methods and ideologies do not precede the Democratic Republic, which goes in a communist direction.
Something that should be remembered is the fact that some of the governments known to be in the Magnate Republic were former members of the Hegemony government, who were dissatisfied with the way things were going, and decided to rebel. This movement was also occasioned by outside forces particularly the Western nations of the Humankind race who offered their support to the rebels in their struggle for liberty.
Though they are on a similar quest of rebelling against the Hegemonic Imperial, Magnate Republics and rebelling Theocratic States are enemies. The latter is group of religious bigots who would like to purge the land of the Takanii peoples of any outside influence. These people propose another vision of Takanii race – a race that is united by violent extremism and effective only in using force, which is quite incongruous with the Magnate Republic’s goal.
Additionally, the Irenic Union’s ways also appear to be quite distant from those of the Magnate Republic, which now aims to turn the Takanii race into a non-aligned xenophile world that will accept every one including criminals. Although the Magnate Republic similarly wants a society to have no more violence and to include everybody, at one time their methods are more warlike and aggressive and their manner may only permit people that could be considered undesirable.
Summing up, the Magnate Republic is a significant player in the conflict with the Hegemonic Imperial, although its way to the victory is paved by difficulties and obstacles. However their final victory will greatly depend on how they are going to deal with the political structure of Takanii race and the various other race factions they are likely to encounter on their way.
In the complex timeline of narrative of the parallel world within the enchanting Realspace Saga is the governance of the Magnate Republic of Takanii. Like the Democratic Republic, the Magnate Republic also has origins in the isolated Takanii territories that appear to be deviated from their primary types within the glorious Andromedian Galactic Domains.
In contrast with the seats occupied by the Democratic Republics that preserve the ideas of communism, the Magnate Republics decide to follow the path of human ideologies closer to capitalism. However, instead of falling into the various negative aspects that people usually link with liberalism or lack of proper regulation of capitalisms, the Magnate Republics have perfected a political order that focuses on the tenets of Democracy, Freedom, and Prosperity. Thus, strongly rooted in the structure of the society there will forever be the evident care for the protection of the population from the violet hands of power immersed in using their positions to abuse the population rather than serve it.
Studying the historical experience of human development and the development of capitalist systems, the Magnate Republics have rather wisely realized that there is a significant problem in the form of monopolization of power and the negative influence of corporate control over the rights of financial consumers. Appreciating the importance of these issues that called for reforms in systemic approach, they were proactive enough to ensure the formation of firm regulated mechanisms in relation to problematic intrinsic flaws in the process that was designed to create favorable economic environment for all the citizens.
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