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Aisling is a 58 years old dragoness who is quite small for her age : roughly 2 meters high.
No sharp claws, no long fangs, no catalysis, a defenseless creature in direct combat.

She lives in a small community which can ensure her safety while she shares her abilities with others. Aisling is a valuable asset as she has the power to immerse her willing kin into a controlled torpor. Acting as an anaesthetic as well as a metabolic stasis, it is above all a mean to read the images that take shape in the dreamlike depths or to orchestrate what may be going on there, directing the cognitive process during a noetic therapy.
Nevertheless, the psyche of all sentient beings is crossed from time to time by fleeting uncontrollable thoughts that can interfere with the therapy. Whether stupid ideas or bitter memories, their ephemeral passage can creep into the stream of images directed at the patient.

This is what happened to Aisling's brother from the same litter, Eanna.
While Aisling has took the oath to remain virgin so as not to interfere with her cognitive process during her therapies, Eanna has not bothered with such constraints. Both share the same healing potential and the same noetic abilities and split the burden of a daunting task : keeping everyone healthy, mending scars and curing diseases. Yes, such is the might of spirit over body.
And if a proof was needed, Eanna has been caught in a turmoil involving this aspect during a therapy he initiated. In accordance with Aisling's warning, one evanescent thought assailed Eanna which instantly stopped the process. Nothing of importance happened right afterwards, but a few week laters, the outcome is out : Eanna's female patient was gravid.
The therapy triggered her autofecondation.

An absolute abomination. Eanna was banned without any form of trial and nobody ever heard of the eggs, probably destroyed or abandoned far away. Who could tolerate an offspring born from such an aberration ?
Aisling was on probation, a bit of Eanna's unfairly spilled on her. She was on the verge to be banned as well. 
For a simple reason : Eanna's patient was Aisling herself.

Her respite was short-lived. 
An epidemic swept the region. A harmless but annoying and alarming disease causing a temporary lethargy lasting several days. Massive cases of contamination made Aisling a suspect, as it was impossible to distinguish between the torpor caused by the dragoness and that caused by the disease. 
So the culprit was obvious: Aisling. A sour revenge for her banished brother.

It was decided to gouge out her eyes, deemed to be the vector of her abilities.
Unsurprisingly, she was forced into exile. She's now living secluded, without the slightest hint of resentment, trying to look after the wandering souls that by some miracle or misfortune might come to her.

© 2024 GeirfinnaLieselotte - Aisling



Z3R0_GT 11-06-2024

I love your designs <3

GeirfinnaLieselotte 16-06-2024

I love your comments <3

Universe_Andromeda 10-06-2024

That's a very nice design!

GeirfinnaLieselotte 16-06-2024

Thanks, that's quite an old design that may be subject to change as I deeply changed her story because I'm rewriting my yarn

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